Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 38 and 39 Homer, AK

August 6th and 7th – Friday/Saturday

These two days have been Fishy!

Wm was able to take a Charter Fishing Trip on both days. Was he excited?

(Is the grass green?) He didn’t even have to be roused out of bed at 6AM.

Fishing Day 1

The first Charter Trip was for Halibut and Salmon.

Wm brought back 3-Silver Salmon, the biggest about 20#’s and 2-Halibut, ~25#s each (the day’s limit for both.) This charter wasn’t a “get-your-photo-with-the-fish” type.

We met him at the dock but the fish had already been picked up for processing.

Wm saved out some Salmon to bring back for dinner.

Fishing Day 2

The charter boats waiting for the day’s fishing trips.

A little advertisement for Day-2’s charter company.

There was a mixed group of fisher-people on the boat.

The days take included Halibut, Ling-cod, and Rock-fish.

Only one Yellow-eyed Rock-fish was caught.

Peter & Phyllis' Venture

While Wm was fishing, Peter and I toured around.

We stopped at the RussianOld Ninilchik Village” (Ni-NILL-chik.) It is the oldest (non-first nation) community on the Kenai Peninsula having been settled in the 1820’s by the employees of the Russian-American Company. These early settlers stayed even after Russia sold Alaska to the USA.

This wooden sign greets those who travel the rough gravel road into the very small and rustic “Old Village” on the Cook Inlet at the water’s edge. (The main town has rebuilt on the hills above.) It reads:

I (the village) was settled near the turn of the 19th century by Creoles (Russina-Native mix), Russians and Aleuts. The names of my earlier children were Kvasnikoff, Oskolkoff, Kompkoff, and Astrogin. They were retired hunters and trappers that wanted to find a homeland of their own. Some of their great grandchildren still reside here to this day. My Russian Orthodox Church on the hill was built in the early 20th century. My river (Ninilchik River) and Cook Inlet are best known for their fish. My beaches are best known for their clams. I ask that you please respect my people, their heritage, their culture, their property and my river and beaches. Thank You

The Village - view from the hill above.

Their Russian Orthodox Church and cemetery are on the hill above the town.


At day's-end, the sun finally peaked through the clouds!


Wildflower Time

Cow Parsnip is all around.

It can grow up to 6-feet tall and I’m reading that grizzly bears eat a lot of it so make plenty of noise if your in a wooded area with cow parsnip!

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