Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 51 and 52 The Beginning of Vacation’s End

(Do retirees really call it vacation?)

Nabesna Rd, AK to Kluane Lake, YK to Continental Divide, YK


Thursday and Friday, August 19th and 20th

We are now heading east and retracing our Alaska Highway route from Tok, AK to Watson Lake, Yk.

No touring at Whitehorse – grocery stop only!

Signs of Fall are now in the air.

The Cottonwood Cmpgrd on Kluane Lake has had frost and new snow in the nearby Mountains.

Kluane Lake - The leaves are changing color too!


This hand carved Eagle decorated a Gift Shop door at one of our Fuel stops along the way.

Cute but we didn't buy it.


Our traveling fare is sandwiches!

William and I travel “All Wrapped Up”.......

.....while Peter prefers the less adventuresome “Sliced Bread” route.


The Wildflowers are "talking fall" too.

The Wild Roses of summer……

…. have transitioned to Rose Hips.

“These fleshy fruits are rich in “Vitamin C” and make a tasty jam or tea” –

Per Ben Gadd’s handbook of the Canadian Rockies

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately all good things must end. Being retired, everyday is a vacation! Drive safely.
