Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 55 and 56 Travel Days on the Yellowhead Highway

Monday and Tuesday - August 23rd and 24th

The Yellowhead Highway connects “Prince Rupert” on the coast of Vancouver, BC to Edmonton”, Alberta.

We picked it up at Kitwanga, BC, and motored off at Jasper National Park, AB, 224-miles before Edmonton.

The main highlight of the drive was Rearguard Falls.

View 1

View 2

Peter caught this photo of a Salmon making the "last hurdle" in his 800-mile trip to spawn!


A kayaker was making his way to this snagged tree.

He stashed his kayak on the rocks,

shinnied out on the tree and sawed two separate lengths off it to remove the “danger” to kayakers, and rafters.

A little fuzzy closer view!


As our "Luck" would have it, Mt. Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies,

was hiding in the clouds!


Another "Wildflower-sign" that Fall is coming!

The Fireweed’s life cycle.

July's Blossoming

(Repeat of photo from earlier in our trip.)

Forming Seedpods

My “Artistic-view” from the top!

Seeds “Blowing in the Wind”

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