Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 18 & 19 – Kluane Lake, YK

July 17th and 18th

Cottonwood Campground, YK

Located along the Alaskan Hwy in the middle of no where!

It is right on Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon, 154 square miles.

On Saturday, July 17th, we only drove 50-miles up the Alaskan Hwy from Haines Junction to this family owned campground with a gorgeous view of Lake Kluane. We had our first grizzly sighting along the way – no pics though! The campground folks knew it was in the area; just another day for them. They even have a Bear Patrol sign on their ATV. The owners have been living in Ontario 9-months of the year and their Yukon campground in the summers since they built it in 1979.

Align CenterThe Kluane National Park’s interpretive center is at the base of Sheep Mountain. Peter and Wm searched the mountainside but there was nary a sheep to be seen.

I had better luck inside the interpretive center!

The fantastic view right out our camper window!!!!

Wm went on a 5-hour hike up Sheep Mountain: again, no sheep to be seen.

They are all on the other side of the mountain where “the grass is greener.”

Peter & I walked the shoreline. Of course, Peter stopped to through a few rocks!

Remember, I’m still in the “Blog Training” mode.

This might be a good spot to put in my disclaimer:

The facts and details I‘ve put in my blog are accurate to the best of my knowledge.

That really means I may not be right all the time!

The Black Poplars were spewing out “cotton” hand over fist. The owners have never seen so much in all the years they have been here.

The day we arrived Kluane Lake was so still, Peter was able to take this fantastic reflection picture.

Kluane Lave - view 2

Kluane Lake - view 3

I’ve never seen this Wildflower before and it grows in gravel!

Yellow Mountain Avens

Their flowers are yellow and these are the twisted seed-cone plumes that eventually expand into a dandelion-like seed head (next picture).

A wildlife sighting: chipmunk.

He is eating one of the Aven flower seed cones.

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