Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 20 – Kluane Lake,YK to Tok, Alaska - 247-miles

July 19th

Our camper’s window shades are very light proof and with our additional “slipshod” cardboard and bath towel operation covering the other light-leak areas, we are all getting good nights of sleep. Daylight is 4:45 am to 11:15 pm and the rest of the time it is “dusk- light”.

On today’s drive we averaged 37-mph!!!

We had been warned by numerous camping folks we met along the way that the Alaskan Hwy south of Tok was full of potholes and frost heaves. They weren’t kidding. There was even a semi driver that must have lost control as the truck was lying on its side in a ditch. We met the highway patrol further up the road so the accident must have just happened. There did not appear to be bodily injury. Whew!

(July 20th note: we learned today that this tipped semi was loaded with a ton of Fresh Salmon and folks driving by could just pull over and load up – no fishing license needed!!)

We’re back in Alaska!! The last Welcome to Alaska sign was at the British Columbia Border.

This boundary designation was also at the Yukon/Alaska border.

On May 3, 2008, Governor Sarah Palin signed a law designating Alaska’s Highway 2, from the border with Canada to Fairbanks, as the Purple Heart Trail. Alaska’s Purple Heart Trail is one of many such designated routes in the US. The Military Order of the Purple Heart has encouraged States to designate Purple Heart Trails to honor the sacrifice given for our nation by Purple Heart recipients.

Death Camas

One campground owner used this flower in her landscaping.

She preferred calling it Wand Lily.

Most deaths have occurred when this plant has been mistaken for the Blue Camas plant which has an edible bulb.

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